On jobs, life changes, farts & new starts.

It’s been over three years since my last update. A lot has happened since then.

The last time I wrote on this blog I had just lost a job I had been at for five years.

I found a new job immediately after in a field I was passionate about. Finally, I could grow my photography skills. And my people skills got better, too.

I learned a lot about photography. I learned how to set up the camera and put up all the decorations and backdrops and compose a photo. I was editing photos, relearning everything about Photoshop, answering phones, putting together photo packages, doing odd jobs around the office, all that good stuff. In the beginning it was exciting. Then it was overwhelming.

A month after I started the secretary/photographer/editor job I had another life changing event. I found out I was pregnant, and although I was so excited, I was also petrified. But it was an easy pregnancy. (It was the delivery I was really scared of. That’s another story for another time.) I was in a constant state of anxiety all the time during my pregnancy because of this job, so to this day I feel like I didn’t get to enjoy my pregnancy. Now I can look back on parts of it and feel like I can appreciate it, but I couldn’t then.

I don’t know, given the right circumstances maybe I could have done it better. But the best I gave felt like it was never enough. There was just too much going on at one given time there that I couldn’t keep up.

Anyway. On to better things.

On August 3, 2021 I had my beautiful baby girl, Gwen, two days before my 30th birthday. It was the best, albeit most tiring and painful birthday ever. But I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Now that baby will be two in a few months. Where did the time go?

This corner of the internet has seen so many changes. I’m going to change it one more time. I don’t want to call this a mommy blog, but I’m going to play around with a few new mommy related ideas for it. I’ve already changed the name to Gandalf the Brunette, which leaves it open to other things, too, namely my Lord of the Rings obsession that I’m going to definitely pass on to Gwen. My efforts will be documented here. ๐Ÿ™‚

One idea is to make this blog part of my Gwen Chronicles.  I read a funny thing the other day, probably on some friend’s Facebook page or on some meme or funny video, that said two year olds are the main character. This is true. Gwen has her own little personality now, and her own sense of humor. I thought it would be fun to document some of the things she does and says here.

For example: Gwen is basically a sponge these days, as she soaks up every little thing we say. Blake said the word “shart” the other day, and now Gwen correlates that with “fart” (or maybe since her letter sounds aren’t fully formed yet she is saying fart but it comes out shart) and every time she let’s a big one rip she grins real big and yells “SHART!” I’ll ask her if she farted and she replies, with that big cheesy grin, “I did!” Or “More!” And she proceeds to scrunch up her face, going all red, and tries to push another out.

It’s adorable. She’s adorable. I know everyone thinks that of their babies. Babies are just… adorable.

She’s getting so big, so she’s not really a baby anymore, but I don’t think she’ll ever stop being baby. If she wasn’t so smart, she would probably believe her name was in fact… Baby. But she knows her name is Gwen. Or Jen, according to her.

So, anyway. My baby is my whole world now. Most of my days are pretty amusing. Sometimes frustrating, but rewarding. My toddler is the boss. But at least she thinks I’m great at my job. (Not like she has much to reference to, but you get it.)

Sometimes I get yelled at and hit, and toys are thrown at my face. But I also get kisses and hugs. And she feeds me Cheerios and bananas. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates with her are so much better. She’s a good little boss, and my most favorite one out of them all.

Mommy is my favorite life title, and it sounds so much better when it’s spoken by my bossy baby, my daughter, my Gwen. I look forward to every day with her, because every day is something new. ๐Ÿงก

So here’s to big life changes, new starts, and baby farts. I’ll figure out what this blog is all about soon.

Until then, see you next time.

… and at last I see the light

I’m trying to find the joy in simple things.

Even if some of those simple things attract annoying bugs.

Sometimes good things attract annoying, complicated, irritating things and it’s your job to deal with the things or learn to live with them.

Look at me, being all philosophical and stuff.

Michael’s Challenge

This is a new photography challenge that the craft store Michael’s is encouraging since someone did a photo shoot in the flower aisles of Hobby Lobby. This was so much fun! It gave me other ideas of stores that would make good places to go for a shoot on a rainy day. At Home or JoAnn would be some awesome ones to try. You could use rugs or fabric to make a nice back drop. There are so many props in a craft store just waiting to have a photo shoot with. Who’s down for some creative shots? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hello, 2018!

What better way to bring in the new year than by reminiscing the good times of the previous year?

The last four photos of 2017 in this post are Megan’s family Christmas photos. I have been meaning to post them, but as of November of last year my internet connection and access to blogging has been very limited. (I moved.) But they are here now! Hooray.











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Here’s to a productive 2018.

A year of fantastic photography.

Happy 2018!




First Sneak Peak of Heather & Jake’s Wedding

I am excited to present the first round of sneak peaks from Heather and Jake’s wedding!
I had a blast shooting their wedding on September 8th.

I know a lot of photographers enjoy taking the photos probably more so than anything else, but I find that my equally favorite part is the editing process. Which is crazy, I know, because it is so very tedious. I can spend a ton of time on just one picture, but once it’s finished it is worth it. I love seeing the best version of the photos when it’s all said and done. All that attention to detail and OCD (in certain cases) that I have really pays off. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, here are the first six photos of many more to come. Enjoy!









On Hobbies and Obsessions

I’ve never felt blogging pains more than I do right now. I miss the freedom and creativity of it, the communities, the forming of unlikely friendships over rants (or well-put together words) on a page. I just miss writing something.

Sometimes I wish I never quit it, and that I continued my once-a-week, sometimes every other day, postings. It was a constant. I had a good following and a brand, but I got tired of it. My brand didn’t reflect me anymore. Also, I ran out of stuff to talk about. Mainly that.

So now I’m just going to be someone who has tons of hobbies: taking pictures for friends and family and posting them on a blog, reading four books at a time because I get bored of one and have to switch, baking cookies and cakes, drawing (but I’m in a slump), writing (also in a slump), and singing Africa by Toto and anything by Journey when no one is around. And also obsessing over The Lord of the Rings. So much obsessing. And snapping photos of pretty flowers and some of my pop vinyls on Instagram, and never using an obscene amount of hashtags unless it’s to be ironic.



And photos of Steve. Can’t forget Steve.


And that one time the sky looked really awesome.



Just so I’m keeping up with the new theme of the blog, there are your photos for the day. Thanks, Instagram, for helping me out with today’s post! Actually, that might make a good reoccurring theme on the blog.ย  Or just posts with photos of the books I read, or the things I bake, or some really nicely stacked books and writing utensils and notebooks and journals, or my growing Tolkien book shrine. (Obsession, remember? I also obsessively hoard books and journals. Don’t judge.)

I digress.

I missed you blog.









photo endeavors of 2017

Besides taking a ton of photos of each step of our little cabin that is currently being built, I haven’t had much camera action lately. Sad, I know. But there is still time. A little over half a year to live up to my new years resolution of taking more pictures.
So, back to my original plan of recreating this whole blog. I did do photography in January for my best friend’s adorable son Danger’s second birthday. (That was a loaded sentence. I should probably go back and reword that, but nah. This blog is now mainly about the photos and only slightly about the words that go with them. I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves, for the most part.)
Here are a few highlights from the party.



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So here is the new blog, retooled. Slightly. Just a name change. Happy first post of 2017 for LMLewis Photography! Only four months late!

Happy end of April!

It’s gonna be May!*



*Said in NSYNC tone.